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  1. George Health | The Global Health Challenge (george-health.com) - Pioneering affordable, innovative, and simpler life-saving treatments for people suffering from chronic diseases.

  2. HealthVerity Census - HealthVerity - Enables de-identification of health data and re-linkage to an anonymous identifier for analysis.

  3. George Health Global Health Challenge - Pioneering life-saving treatments for people suffering from chronic diseases.

  4. HealthVerity Census - HealthVerity - De-identification of health data and re-linkage to an anonymous identifier for analysis.

  5. 45 CFR ยง 164.514 (b)(1)(i); As set forth in the HIPAA Privacy Rule

  6. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/infographics/reidentifying-anonymous-medical-records.html

  7. Na L, Yang C, Lo C, Zhao F, Fukuoka Y, Aswani A. Feasibility of Reidentifying Individuals in Large National Physical Activity Data Sets From Which Protected Health Information Has Been Removed With Use of Machine Learning; [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2719130

  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/20/health/memorial-sloan-kettering-cancer-paige-ai.html

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